The Statute and Organization

The Statute and Organization of the Research Center for Human Rights, Peace and Democracy at Shahid Beheshti University


UESCO Chairs function as the bridge between the universities and research centers of the world and also performs for the promotion of research and education in its specialized field in the country as well as exchange of experiences and achievements. As a result, the academic chairs for UNESCO are always formed in an educational or research institution. The Chair for Human Rights, Peace and Democracy at Shahid Beheshti University is the sole UNESCO Chair in the Persian Gulf Region which was formally initiated after an agreement between UNESCO and Shahid Beheshti University in 2001. The establishment of this Chair could provide the academic grounds for the formation of a research institution in the field of human rights, peace and democracy, and interdisciplinary studies of Law at Law Faculty.
This institution, initially as the research group of CHRPD (approved by the Supreme Council for Higher Education on 3 Jan. 2003) was established. Following that, it has been performing as the research center for peace, human rights and democracy (approved by the Supreme Council for Higher Education on 16 Sep. 2005) in form of five research groups (1.Human Rights; 2.Bioethics; 3. Philosophy, Law and Religion; 4.Peace and Humanitarian Law; 5.Democracy).     
At present, the Chair for Human Rights is recognized as the most important, well-known research center in the country which, with the cooperation of professors and students of Law Faculty at Shahid Beheshti University, could leave a substantial research and educational impact on the international and national areas.

Chapter I: Aims of the Chair for Human Rights, Peace and Democracy

Article 1. The aims are as follows:
1)      Expanding and promoting respect to human rights, peace, democracy, dignity, ethics and morality;
2)      Expanding the view of discourse in human rights, peace ,democracy and reduction of misunderstandings and misinterpretations in the Islamic world and international areas;
3)      Conducting research in human rights, peace and democracy ;
4)      Establishing and expanding national, regional and international communications in human rights, peace and democracy;
5)      Providing contributions in the fields of codification and development of international system of human rights;
6)      Advancing international policies and strategies, in particular, the approved programs of UN and UNESCO to achieve human rights, peace and democracy;
7)      Attempts for the participation of the national scholars to present new theories on civil rights; the relation between religion and human rights, peace and democracy;
8)      Reinforcing and organizing the communications between institutions and governmental/non-governmental networks in the field of human rights, peace and democracy at national and international levels;
9)      Promoting " the culture of peace and justice " for the development of peaceful coexistence and avoiding the violations of others' rights;
10)  Attracting featured academic and cultural figures and institutions with the Chair at national and international levels;
11)  Holding national and international conferences with the cooperation of national and international academic and cultural universities and institutes in the field of human rights, peace and democracy;
12)  Running training courses and workshops (in form of general and specialized) in the field of human rights, peace and democracy;
13)  Founding specialized library in the field of human rights, peace and democracy;
14)  Establishing an international depository center in the field of human rights, peace and democracy;
15)  Providing the government and executive institutions with strategic advisory services;
16)  Publishing books, magazines and specialized journals for the development of relevant literature and setting academic relation between experts and relevant executive authorities.
Chapter II: Pillars of the Chair

The principals of the Chair are as follows:
1.      Director
2.      Policy-Making Council
3.      Research Council
4.      Deputy Director of Research
5.      Deputy Director of Communications and Academic Services
6.      Academic Departments
7.      Library and Depository Center of  the UN
8.      Clinic of Women and Child's Rights

Section 1: Director

Article 3.
The director is the highest official and legal ranking of the center in all associations who, is appointed among the faculty members with a prominent background in human rights and with the introduction from the policy-making center and the approval of the university president for a three-year period. The director, approved by the university president as the head of Chair for Human Rights, Peace and Democracy, will be introduced to UNESCO.
Article 4. Duties and authorities of the center are as follows:
1.      Planning, guiding and the managing the center according to the statute and the relevant approved rules and regulations of the policy-making council;
2.      Preparing binding terms and conditions within the framework of relevant rules for the regulation of center affairs;
3.      Preparing and suggesting the annual program of the center and submitting it, after being approved by the research council, to the policy-making council;
4.      Proposing the necessary annual budget of the center to the policy-making council for approval and suggestion to the university president;
5.      Supervising the implementation of the academic and research activities of the center;
6.      Introducing the vice-director of the center to the university president for issuance of notification;
7.      Introducing the heads of academic departments, proposed by the vice-director of the center, to the university president;
8.      Legal representativeness of the center in all associations and signing contracts as well as administrative and financial documents in the context of relevant rules;
9.      Presenting annual report of the center to the university president and policy-making council;
10.  Following up and implementing the approvals of policy-making council;
11.  Performing other related responsibilities.
Article 5. The director can delegate some of his responsibilities, within the context of rules, to his deputy or some ones else.

Section 2: Policy-making council

Article 6. Members of the council are as follows:
1.      University president ( as head of the council)
2.      Director of center (as secretary)
3.      Research deputy of university
4.      Dean of Law Faculty
5.      Deputy director of research ( secretary of council)
6.      After the suggestion of the center director and acceptance of university president, two faculty members from other faculties/research centers of the university
Article 7. The standards of the policy-making council will be approved by the council.
Article 8. The duties and responsibilities of policy-making council are as follows:
1.      Determining the general policy of the center with regard to general policies of the government, requirements, priorities and resources;
2.      Codifying and developing strategy and overall strategic plans of the center;
3.      Approving comprehensive research system of the center;
4.      Approval of the plans, annual and periodic reports of the center with the recommendation of the director;
5.      Reviewing and approving the budget and proposing it to the President for consideration in the annual budget;
6.      Making decisions on the proposals introduced by the scientific council and the director;
7.      Suggesting the director to the university president regarding appointing;
8.      Approving any changes in the current statute or rescission of the center;
9.      Holding  regular meetings at least once a month;
10.  Submitting annual reports to the university president;
11.  Other necessary actions for achieving the center’s goals.

Section 3: Research council

Article 9. The members of research council are as follows:
1.       Director of the Center as the council Chairman;
2.      Deputy director of the center as the secretary of the council;
3.      Deputy director of communication and scientific services;
4.      Vice dean of research of law faculty;
5.      Heads of scientific departments of the center;
6.      One of the faculty members of the university after the suggestion and acceptance of the university president.
Note: Standards of Academic Council shall be approved by the Council.
Article 10. Duties and responsibilities of the research council are as follows:
1.       Preparing annual plan for the center for proposing to the policy-making council;
2.       Reviewing and approving research priorities for implementing the goals and objectives of the center;
3.       Arranging and recommending research terms to the director of the center;
4.      Investigating referral for judgment, approving final research project, evaluating and approving final report of the plans;
5.       Determining and proposing an administrator for large-scale research and educational projects to the director of the center for required issuance of notice;
6.       Reviewing and approving academic meetings, workshops and conference of the center;
7.       Reviewing, evaluating and approving publishable  research works  of the center;
8.      Supervising the publication of academic-research journals.

Section 4: Research Deputy

Article 11. Vice director of the center, introduced among the faculty members of the university and appointed by the university president, is responsible for:
1.      All affairs delegated from the director of the center;
2.      Coordination among research groups of the center;
3.      All research and higher education affairs;
4.      Supervision on the UN library and depository center.

Section 5: Scientific departments

Article 12. The center in line with its research activities consist of five research groups is comprised of research faculty members and contractual researchers.
1.      Academic department of human rights;
2.      Academic department of peace and humanitarian law;
3.      Academic department of democracy;
4.      Academic department of philosophy, law and religion;
5.      Academic department of bioethics.

Article 13. The duties of research departments are as follows:
1.      Conducting approved research projects;
2.      Cooperating for holding academic meetings, training workshops and conferences of the center;
3.      Programming and implementing approved training workshops;
4.      Performing other delegated research affairs;
5.      Collaborating with specialized and informational journals.

Article 14. A faculty member, introduced by the director and approved by the university president, is responsible for the management of academic departments.

Section 6: UN library and depository center

Article 16. The Chair possesses a specialized library and UN depository center which is responsible for:
1.      Affairs relating to the safekeeping, return, reservation and extension of Persian and Latin sources;
2.      Affairs related to membership and clients checkout;
3.       Helping users to search and find needed resources and databases;
4.      Receiving, organizing and keeping purchased Persian and Latin sources;
5.      Receiving, organizing and keeping the deposited sources in good order;
6.      Inserting information and donated Persian and Latin sources;
7.      Inserting information and organizing Persian and Latin publications; and placing them in the collection for the use of clients;
8.      Collecting sources, i.e. preparation and ordering Latin and Persian sources of featured publishers with the cooperation of specialists based upon the specialized requirements of the library and clients’ requests( faculty members, students and researchers);
9.      Assessing the library including old books and replacing them with new sources;
10.  Updating the website of the library in searching new sources and publications of the UN for disseminating information to clients;
11.   Communicating with the United Nations Information Center in Tehran and other depositary libraries in Iran.

Section 7: Deputy director of communications and scientific services

Article 11. Deputy director of communications and scientific services, proposed by the director of the center and approved by the university president, is responsible for:
1.      All affairs delegated from the director;
2.      All promotional and public trainings affairs;
3.      Scientific communications and conferences affairs;
4.      Supervision on legal clinic of women and children.

Section 8: Legal clinic of women and children

Article 17. Legal clinic of women and children, with respect to the approved rules of policy-making council, provides the vulnerable groups in the society with legal services.

Section 9: Executive Manager

Article 15. Executive manager of the center, proposed by the director of the center and approved by the university president among university staff, is responsible for:
1.      Cooperating with the director, vice director and heads of academic departments for solving the administrative, financial and servicing problems;
2.       Collaborating with headquarters units in order to solve financial and administrative problems of staff;
3.       Promulgating rules, regulations, circulars and administrative orders to units and departments based upon the director;
4.      Performing financial, administrative and servicing affairs of the center within the delegated responsibilities by the university;
5.      Cooperating with the budget management and organizations in preparing and drafting the annual budget of the center;
6.      Supervision on expending the allocated funds;
7.       Preparing and drafting personnel records to pursue the promotion and….of staff;
8.      Following affairs (employment, promotion, transfer, leave, retirement, missions, etc.) according to the binding rules and regulations;
9.      Providing recreational facilities with respect to financial rules and regulations;
10.  Supervising the affairs related to insurance, hygiene and cure of the center staff;
11.   Predicting required staff and submitting a report to the relevant authorities;
12.  Providing and supplying required equipment;
13.  Supervision on the purchase of required goods according to relevant responsibilities, rules and regulations;
14.  Monitoring the transfer of equipment with the cooperation of relevant units;
15.  Supervision on the print, duplication and registration of incoming and outgoing letters;
16.  Other delegated affairs by the director of the center;
17.  Submitting a report on the performed activities to the superiors.

Section 9: Miscellaneous Provisions

Article 18. Administrative, employment and financial affairs of the center are based upon the approved financial, transactional and employment regulations of Shahid Beheshti University.
Article 19. Any changes in the content of the statute will be made by the proposal of policy-making council and approval of board of directors.
Article 20. This statute in 20 articles on…….. was approved.
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